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Hey everyone, just one more small note. Just wanted to thank you for month of your support. I know we didn't do that alot but maybe it's a time to change it! Lots of you know my current situation and keep support me despite I'm not fully recovered to work on your commissions and requests. Thank you! Thank you very much! Your love and support helps us go trough darkest time and keep create! \ o / Love you all! 


Grieg Wilson

Hang in there and hopefully things will get better soon!


So things are starting to get better? I hope so, get well soon!




*BIGHUG* Hope all gets better for you :~)

Brett Peterson

It's been an Honor, bad times, good times, I'll keep keep it goin even if it's my last dollar for a while. :)


Friends who care, are there for each other, not just when not needed, but especially when needed. You two are good people!☺️