Somthing important, again... (Patreon)
Hey everyone, this couple weeks we were posting arts once in a week and there was a reason for it. I still going trough my healing process and try to get rid of my tumor, so it's affect my productivity. We tried to make you all satisfied and made some cool projects and update some old comics, so hope you have enjoyed it. Anyways, i will need to go trough one last procedure in Feb, thanks God it's not so complicated and expensive this time, but it' still an operation so i will need some time for recovery. I will still post some arts we have, like 4K art set from Quickie Change Room Video or some new Liara + Miri, but for now i can't make commissions for you (except the ones we already took) or can't be very active on feed. I just warn you before next month, so you could decide will you stay with us in Feb or not. I really apreciate your help and understanding and i will try my best to recover asap and bring you joy with some new work. Have a nice weekend o/