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Sometimes the consequences are irreversible

Commissioned by Gagged Dina



D. Karch

Yazva, can you make a post of the progression of Gagged Dina? I've only ever seen likes three or four posts of this story, but this post makes me want to see what Dina was before and how the whole progression came to them coming home to his girlfriend/exgf friend


https://www.patreon.com/collection/154996/ and I should try to copy the accompanying text from Dina's page, gimme a sec


Done, please see the stories attached to the lowest tier posts

D. Karch

Thank you for the link.

Ali baba

That's an amazing story ! Kudo for the art and thanks to Gagged Dina for the multiple comissions. Will we see more of this two in the future or is this the end of their journey ?


Thank you so much, I will pass on your kind words to the commissioner! Yes, there will be one or two more pictures next month wrapping up the story.