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It's much more chaste this way

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D. Karch

Will this be in the Norwell College Campus Comic? Will Emilia be working off her debt to some Staff Elites? Or is this something different like "working off her debt" makes it sound more like she is being held by a Gangster and she's not just another college co-ed


This is a picture gift to my friend who helped me out in a time of need. For that, I arranged for him to be kidnapped by the insidious feminizers!

D. Karch

But Yazzy, who wouldn't want to get further feminization at Norwell College. They might like to get more comics of his/her chastity enslavement and repayment of her debt. She is very cute and would fit right in with the bevy of beauties already learning their places. Just saying... I'm really liking the Norwell story line, it would be kinda funny if all the girls had a glimpse of your heavily bondaged cow girl (forgot her name) as a warning of what could happen to them if one didn't follow rules.