Render Video Test: Zeena (GIF) (Patreon)
2019-01-05 05:46:36
2019-06-10 00:25:17
This is the first in a series of videos I'll be making to test some stuff in Blender.
As I continue fiddling with stuff, I'll be sure to post the resulting videos here. DeviantArt and my $1 Patrons will receive some of the results as short GIFs, but my $2 Patrons will get the full-length videos as well. Keep in mind that at least half of them will be made to play on loop like this one, though.
This GIF is 1/4 of the full video, lower resolution, and lower frame rate.
Since dA gets GIFs while Patreon gets videos, these will get two posts each: one with the GIFs dA will get and one with the video Patreon will get.