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In this new episode of Live Creations I'm hoping to convince you to use variables for states instead of using normal profile conditions directly :)

What I mean is, normally you have profiles that are something like:

If I'm connected to my work wifi network -> Set ringer volume to 1

I'm going to show you why this is better:

If I'm connected to my work wifi network -> Set %Work to 1, else clear variable %Work

If %Work is set -> Set ringer volume to 1

Sounds like more work, right? :) In reality, it can greatly simplify your Tasker projects in the long run!

Watch the full video to find out why!

Here's the gist of it:

-  Can combine an unlimited number of conditions (variables) in a single profile

- Re-usable: can be used and combined in multiple profiles (home at night, home sunrise, home at day, etc) 

- States can be checked at any time in tasks

-  Conditions that trigger the states can change and everything will still work. For example, my work condition can change from a Time context to a Wifi Connected context and all work related profiles and tasks will continue to work. Otherwise you would have to change a lot of conditions throughout your setup

-  More readable and easier to use than %PACTIVE


Live Creations #6 - Use Variables for States


Robert Burton

Thanks for this! Going back through all my profiles now to see what I can change! I have one profile that tells me which node of my WiFi network I am connected to which I'm going to change now. I basically had a profile just running every 5 minutes but I think I will be able to change it to just a WiFi connected event now. Part of the fun of Tasker is just playing with it to see what else I can do!