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This time I decided to do a 2-in-1: a Live Creations with some features that only you will have access to for now. 😄

Get this version of Tasker here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1424ppEISewbc1a5kQw_Zi8qunTezAzm3/view?usp=sharing

New Sensor Stuff

Tasker has 4 new sensor related things:

  • Any Sensor state
  • Any Sensor event
  • Test Sensor action
  • Sensor Info action

You can see how these work in the video above.

Basically, any sensor that your phone has is now completely available for you to play with and react to in Tasker.

For each state or event you can select how often the sensor is checked so you can decide for yourself exactly how reliable you want the condition to be, keeping in mind that more checks will use more battery.

You can even select the Interval Type:

  • Throttle will check the first event in each check interval and see if it matches the condition
  • Sample will check the last event in each check  interval and see if it matches the condition 
  • Debounce will only check events from the sensor if they stop being sent during the time set in Interval (for example, if you want to trigger a task on orientation change, and you turn your phone upside down, without debouncing, 2 events could be triggered, but with debouncing only one would be triggered)
  • Buffer will gather the events in each check interval and return them all at once to the task, so you can for example make a task based on all of the events that happened in the last 5 seconds if you want (for example, do something if phone is upside down, then upright, then upside down again)

This is also the first event/state where you can define conditions based on the condition variables themselves. Previously you had to this in the task. Because I did this now I can also very easily add these condition checks to other conditions that output local variables :)

Full Fledged Do Not Disturb Action

You can customize everything there is to customize about Do Not Disturb when you turn it on with Tasker. 

Check out the demo: https://youtu.be/5pc_KzaXpwA

This means that all those settings that you can change in your phone's regular Do Not Disturb settings, you can now also change with Tasker!

Text Dialog

Tasker is also getting a new Dialog, the Text Dialog. Check out a demo here: https://youtu.be/BzABMdhBuQk

It's a simple dialog with a title, text and 3 possible buttons that you can use to show any info you like.

In my opinion this could be a better alternative to the Popup action.

As a bonus this dialog will now also be used if you use the alert() function in Javascript.

So let me know how this works for you and if you have any comments! :) Enjoy!


Live Creations #42 - New Sensor State, Event and Actions

Check out all other Live Creations here: https://www.patreon.com/joaoapps/posts?tag=live%20creations



I sense the power!

Robert Burton

Holy cow Batman... Love the new stuff! Going to have to play with the sensors to see if I can get the proximity sensor to work on my Note10+ so that it turns off the AOD when the phone is in my pocket (Samsung apparently thinks it needs to be on)! I think it is pretty funny though that you're making stuff work that you don't know how it works! 🤔🤣

Robert Burton

Well with the Proximity sensors on my Note 10+ I keep getting a toast message when I try to select those sensors that Tasker couldn't get the info if I use it as a state. As an event, it does seem to read it but it doesn't change or at least I couldn't get it to change. Going to have to keep playing...

João Dias

Haha yeah :D The best part is that different phones have different sensors so people are probably going to find uses for this that I don't even know about yet!

João Dias

I think Samsung disables that unless you're in a call unfortunately... I don't think there's a way around it unfortunately...

Robert Burton

Yeah.. it looks that way. There are several proximity sensors, including Touch proximity and Palm proximity. I was hoping one of those might work but I couldn't get anything from them. I'll try the light sensors later today to see if they will work. Thanks for all you do and everything you put into this. I really appreciate it and I always have fun playing with it!

petrus munteanu

nice, new contexts! i'm kinda running out of contexts - I have 2 floating bars and one notification bar full of buttons, apart from schedules, app contexts and gestures :)