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Rosy Rose

This is one of my favorite movies. Elle is so kind to others and has this wonderful personality. I am happy that you watched this movie when this is kind of new genre to you. Cool that you try stuff.


I’m not a huge romcom fan, but I’ve always enjoyed this movie as a great movie about women supporting each other and allowing women to embrace traditionally feminine and “girly” things without that being portrayed as lesser or unintelligent. It’s not perfect (early 2000’s portrayal of LGBT characters and so on), but it has a lot of charm. This movie was my introduction to Reese Witherspoon, but my favorite film that she’s in is a film called Pleasantville, which you may enjoy. It’s about two teenagers from the 90’s getting magically transported into a black-and-white 50’s “I Love Lucy”-type TV show where everything is perfect and pleasant and very 50’s white picket fence and 2.5 kids kinda vibe. The movie explores the pleasant facade of the 50’s and the darker racist reality of that time period in really interesting and creative ways - I’m not in a position to say whether the way it approaches the topic of racism is perfect, but I do think it’s a very creative and unique take on it. Not sure if that’s the kind of movie you’d be up for watching, but it’s one of my favorites so I figured I’d recommend it.