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Elise Lanciault-Breton

One of my favourite episode of this season. Don’t get me wrong, season 3 is amazing, but this one is just a funny episode that felt good after all the Faith storyline. Also, I do believe that even though vampire Willow has killed, it was the right thing to send her back. In my opinion, it’s like this: she is not from this dimension, she belongs in another realm/universe and for the balance of cosmic energy, it’s better to just send her back where she came from.

Elise Lanciault-Breton

I would also like to point of something technical. In season 1 of Buffy, the vampire exploded into dust. Then we started getting better special effects. But this specific episode is the first time that a vampire’s dust shows their skeleton as well. It’s explained in a making of that they perfected the effect and that the first time it’s shown is in that episode when vampire Willow dies. Thought this would be a fun trivia for you!