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Looking at the comments, I’m definitely sad it’s been well over a year since a reaction has been done. This show has so many classic episodes still left to be seen


My college experience was a lot like yours. I felt like Buffy did my first day alone on campus. You made some astute comments about this episode, but I can’t tell you which ones they were. Season 4 will be interesting.


Yep, this was just like college and I love how they captured the feelings of that first day so well. It also has some amazingly funny lines I love, like Willow talking about the “painful nowning process”, Buffy telling Giles “remember before you became Hugh Hefner” and the reconnaissance/renaissance mix up. I also LOVE when Xander comes and gives her an amazing pep talk. You were so right about the episode at first feeling so lost as an audience member because everything was new, the gang was all scattered, and it was disorienting, but, by the end, we were all together again. Agree with Kevin on your astute-ness.


I was not the best at school so I pretty much went straight into working, after GCSE's I had one year off then started at 17 in Retail. Nightmare! Are you gonna be reacting to Angel? If you do I wouldn't bother with the 'watchlist'. As long as you watch Angel after Buffy you'll be fine and will avoid spoilers. Just make sure if there's a double episode of Buffy (I.e two parter) to watch both episodes before watching the corresponding Angel episodes just in case.

Brian Rayburn

I never had the traditional university experience as I transferred to my university from community college. I did live on campus my junior year, but it's not really the same since I was already used to taking college classes by that point. I definitely felt the stress of not knowing anyone on campus though. The only thing I will say they got wrong: The size of Buffy's dorm room looks like a hotel suite. It's at least 4 times the size of the room I had. If my room had been that nice, I never would have gone outside.

Raven Dark

I'm so glad you liked this one. When I first saw it, I was nervous about how they'd manage to pull off the show in college, but they did it. If you're planning to watch Angel, the first episode of that show is what you'd need to watch next before you watch Buffy again.

Vicky N

I am an introvert too. So I was pretty overwhelmed as well at first. Than I made friends with others African students in a predominantly white environment. I’ve studied medicine. A lot of memorable lines. My favorite: “what would Buffy do?” Iconic!

Vicky N

You forgot that it was established last season that Xander wasn’t accepted in any college. No spoilers but I think you will personally relate even more to him this season.

Amanda Logsdon

Not sure if its 100% accurate but i heard they originally planned for the bad vampire this episode to be a vampire slayer that turned into a vampire, but they changed their minds...would have loved to see that version.

e com

I went to 2 community colleges. My first year I had an a-hole teacher, like the one they show here that throws Buffy out. He said on the first day, that you have to participate in class and if your not going to don't bother showing up, well I have social anxiety so I left. I came back for tests and ended up getting a C. when the head vampire broke Buffy's "class protector" award I was so pissed, that is one of my favorite moments of the whole show and it gets broken.

Elise Lanciault-Breton

I went to Cegep (it’s a type of college in the province of Quebec). I felt so confident at first and reality hit me hard in my first weeks. I did feel out of place but also overwhelmed by how hard college studies are. We have 4 mandatory French classes in Cegep, I failed my first one and it was a tough pill to swallow because I received the best grades in French classes in High School. So yeah, college is overwhelming for sure at first. I did two other degrees afterwards and I can say that I felt very mellow and smooth for these bc I already knew what kind of stuff to expect.


I have been LOVING your Buffy reactions, and I joined your Patreon for this very reason. I was sad when I see you stopped on this episode, and then I looked closer and saw it was posted only 11 days ago! I'm really hoping you see this series through for all 7 seasons; it will keep you on the edge of your seat. I know you said before that dark humor isn't really your thing, but I'm hopeful that the other aspects of this show will keep you watching. It's worth it.