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Love Finding Dory. Such a sweet story and definitely one a lot of people can connect to. Thank you for sharing about Charlotte, she seems like a lovely, and happy little girl. You should definitely determine what you would like to share and keep private, but I'm sure there are a lot of groups online with other parents going through the same thing that would help if it gets too much.

Kirby mitchell (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-03 20:33:24 Man I just have to say, I really loved the movie reaction, but at the end what you were talking about with your daughter really really helped me, I really needed to hear that, my son is 2 and a half years old and he's not saying anything at all, it's literally on my mind 24/7 and I'm constantly trying my best to stay hopeful, hearing you say your daughter is all of a sudden starting to say stuff from nothing brings me SO much hope man. Thank you so much from a viewer to a content creater but also from a dad to a dad. <3
2021-11-12 13:30:45 Man I just have to say, I really loved the movie reaction, but at the end what you were talking about with your daughter really really helped me, I really needed to hear that, my son is 2 and a half years old and he's not saying anything at all, it's literally on my mind 24/7 and I'm constantly trying my best to stay hopeful, hearing you say your daughter is all of a sudden starting to say stuff from nothing brings me SO much hope man. Thank you so much from a viewer to a content creater but also from a dad to a dad. <3

Man I just have to say, I really loved the movie reaction, but at the end what you were talking about with your daughter really really helped me, I really needed to hear that, my son is 2 and a half years old and he's not saying anything at all, it's literally on my mind 24/7 and I'm constantly trying my best to stay hopeful, hearing you say your daughter is all of a sudden starting to say stuff from nothing brings me SO much hope man. Thank you so much from a viewer to a content creater but also from a dad to a dad. <3


I'm glad I could help. I recommend getting him around other children. Having her in preschool really is helping. If you have friends or family with children start setting up more play dates. Read him lots of books and stay hopeful. I'm hearing more and more stories about kids who have detailed speech so you're not alone