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Hey there everyone, we tried to finish the mancow video and then he got wildly inappropriate so we decided to check in with the Seth Macfarlane Guys! We recorded it 3 days ago so I forget what else we did but enjoy the show and we will be back sunday night with the Sunday Night Stream



Table topic made me bust up in the middle of a quiet and hungover office

Eric Regan

geeeze pleese


a video every week? what is this, geeze pleeze squeeze louise?


G’s Pleas, the podcast where gangsters make deals with the feds

kyle k

i have the same sickness as bryan where i can’t get enough of mancow

Lil Stinker

Made it to the pastafarian 12 apostles. That's it for me. Have a good week everyone


3^2*19 holes in my colander


Would love to hear the accents Bryan does around the house lmao

Alton D.

join a nunion so you can pay your nortgage

Daniel Moore

Christmas is an adaptation of Saturnalia and the story of the immaculate conception is an adaptation of the story of Horus