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My foot is killing me and I have no idea why and couldn't figure anything out to do so I decided to stream. I talked about my upcoming colonoscopy, we watched some noland, some mancow, some greg dean and some toastmasters and I showed off my lego town


Pam OLakes

Sounds like gout, man.


Definitely take a break my guy, get that checked out. My partner found out he has a bone spur and a change in shoes really helped. Love the flub flag❤️ Soyonara!

Dave McCaslin

I’d rather have Chris’s explosive diarrhea than be a toastmaster


Jacques from seeking derangements mentioned!! 🫶 we love jacques babyy


Gonna need a closer look at that table one day.

ilan erez

The lego table looks sick!

Matt Breuer

coming off 2yrs of foot problems that I finally solved in last 6 months - worth going to the ‘ol foot doc but I mostly ended up just ditching all the hype sneakers

Alton D.

If I woke up in the morning, immediately put shoes on and never took them off, my feet would never stop hurting


Sorry about the foot. George Takei messed his feet up from running, be safe out there


Dick Cheney with the palindrome Jim Key intro was too sick. He's got too much charisma. Too much swag. His hoes are too bad. Haliburton's second quarter profits are through the roof. He's gonna be involved in a hunting "accident". 😎

Collin mcneil

Just gotta walk it off


Bryan you’re looking incredibly fit!

Kellen Singer

What’s the most interesting thing about old men’s penises?

Riley M

Bryan, you might want to look into getting a foot roller, if you are doing a lot of miles it might help with your foot pain :)

Charles van der Ploeg

Hey Bryan. Why do you walk so much? I have my own theories

Boot Scoots Riley

Jack Hanna is a serial groper. His move is to grab ass when posing for a picture and then tries to get young women to go to his ranch in Montana. Bunch of creeps running the Columbus Zoo