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I brought a treat for everyone tonight, the 2021 ASN Lifestyle Magazine Awards Show. It was a very exciting shoe to watch because you have no idea what will come next and we are pretty sure that they are all sucking and fucking in the same hotel room for the whole video. Then Chris made us look at something else so I made him watch the most boring man on the planet Opie, then we ended it with a little bit of Michael Noland




Jake Posega



you guys going to touch in on weather guys over twisters?


Happy July Twenty Shoe everybody! 📆👟❤️


Date flub


exciting shoe.


issue with the date as well. we’re looking at a double flub



Boot Scoots Riley

https://i.redd.it/5d06h2ikkco81.jpg Hearing Bryan befuddle Chris by explaining 90’s Ohio nu metal haircuts was amazing


All of these women are too good for their husbands. It breaks your heart smh


Michael Noland if you ever see this, I hate you


The borderline fear in Chris voice when Noland came on screen was incredible

Eve K

This was honestly the funniest swinger content you've covered yet, I NEED to see the rest. Noland also always hits for me, but it's true I can only take so much Opie and Bubba lol


this one has got me crying again lol, too funny

Alex Nicoll

I love you guys and I love the velvet underground even more but i’m sorry, they are NOT classic rock


World Exotic Travel WET

Honeydew Wilkins

Noland is good when a crime has been committed against rock n' roll, not so much when he's just rattling off bands he likes.


Double flubble


Yo shout out to the artistic rendering of that swinger couple it was so accurate 😭

Steve D

In the purest form, Noland is a shock jock. His opinions drive me insane and if this were the 80s I’d protest alongside bible bangers and other prudes to get him off of the airways.

Steve D

But I would listen for six hours a day just to get very mad at him for saying something like Mick Ronson is not one of his top Les Paul guitarists.


Has it been confirmed on the show that the original Tom from Tom’s Trips is dead?


I love Chris, but he has the absolute worst instincts about when to stop watching something or what to watch in general on the stream. Whenever something starts getting good, he kills it and switches to something that sucks. It’s infuriating. The award show was cooking. And you wanted to stop watching… why? Because you don’t want to be a sex guy stream? My man, you cannot change your true nature.

Not Even a Show

I wanted to save it so we can watch more of it on future streams, the sex stream thing was a joke .. but you should also keep in mind that not every person watching likes the same stuff you do. We get negative feedback from a small percentage of people for basically every single thing we watch lol

Not Even a Show

also, your comment is a bit mean. I am just a smol little bean dad on no sleep, with a tender soul. Please be nice.

Yoseph Sutton

Time flub! Time Flub! Time flub!


Chris is a new dad and isn’t getting laid and won’t be getting laid for some time so don’t make him watch too much horny stuff




Opie: the kiss of death

Steve D

Hard disagree. I’ll see you at the next Noland roundtable.

Matt Breuer

so represented by a fellow front-row-middle guy

Robbie Hartnett

getting off the company wifi to research the squirt watch after that glowing review

Homicide Note Victim

Bryan calling his disappointing experience at the demo derby “Malpractice.” Lmao.


Imagine doing Da Beer Show, making it even worse by turning it into a livestream, then lowering the bar so much that you’re sitting on the beach, chatting with rich guys about absolutely nothing. Opie is the king. RIP Anthony, who is dead.

Daniel Dingley

I was listening to this while doing deliveries for work and nearly crashed my car in between looking like a maniac cackling at red lights. It was too much that I had to stop it and wait until I got home (Also because I need to see this shit with my own eyes) Incredible stuff. Chris' complete bristling silence when I just KNOW Bryan was doing his thumb trick was the final straw

Chris Nephew

I have never shouted "NOOO!" at my phone like I did at the 39 minute mark


I apologize, I didn’t mean to come off as mean. I will be more considerate in the future. I meant my comments as friendly. Thanks for all the laughs.

Heath Gardner

I’ve never been more excited for a shoe

Aaron Harrison

"Promescent Tomei" is what we were saying after that lube aware upset

Brian Varvaro

The guy putting on glasses to read a list of lubes is one of the funniest things ever recorded on video