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We had a chillin' out stream this week, we started with a few stories and then got to business with a Tom and Bunny video, read some reviews of restaurant with an insane owner. then we watched more of the swinger awards. Then we irritated the chat by playing Opie, Then we ended with Greg Dean from 15 years ago and he looks truly wild


Corndog Millionaire

Chris being surprised by flex pricing is unexpected. We saw the Vancouver whitecaps play because Messi was supposed to show up. Tickets went from ~200 bucks to 50 when they announced Messi wouldn’t play

Corndog Millionaire

Oh you seemed thrown off that Brian was waiting to see if ticket prices would go down over time. Love the show btw man you guys are fucking hilarious, idk if you ever do standup but I think you’d have a knack for it

Not Even a Show

Oh yeah, I didn't realize he meant resale tickets. I thought he was referring to the pricing that the team offers. Thanks, I might try it out sometime, but I'm very shy.

Johnny S.

I fell to my knees and wept in my local sex shop (Bonerville USA) when I heard Tom and Bunny did not win


Hearing that barking under Tom and Bunny’s desk I was half expecting some guy in a pup mask to come crawling out

Homicide Note Victim

I am willing to pay a higher monthly subscription fee if you stop showing Opie.


This shit is obviously fixed. Probably payoffs, or Dallas Tom called in favors because Tom was being a bitch


I'd buy "Burger Taste Better?" merch




Scott Wiseman - owner of Tom’s Trips / Tom’s Tours LLC (and son of original Tom, obviously)

Patrick J Smith

i never comment but just wanted to chime in and say i also hate the opie stuff. it's boring and depressing


I’m a big fan of this opie fella he is always so interesting and captivating!


'Typewriter tough guys' is so much better than keyboard warriors


Tom would’ve won but injuries happen to all great athletes


Quinby could totally be season ticket guy, like the old TV writers at Dodger Stadium


Love the stream guys but I think I speak for us all when I say there's been a real dearth of Opie content lately and the next stream should probably be dedicated to him and him alone :)

sean e

Opie is done at 1:22:00




Opie is done at 1:14:12 you’re welcome!!!!

Jack Clark

Greg Dean is such an amazing fraud, please take his classes for the content

Thomas Theakston

Greg Dean truly does not have a funny bone in his body


Do we know whether it’s spelled Griss or Ghris?

Stefan Kamph

Who gets angrier in private, Tom or Greg?

Dylan Dutch

I think Bunny is draining Tom’s life blood