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  • Sunday_Night_Stream_9_8_... - audiogram.mp4
  • Sunday_Night_Stream_9_8_... - audiogram.mp4
  • Sunday_Night_Stream_9_8_... - audiogram.mp4



I had to fix some tech stuff for the first like 15 minutes but once we got past that we talked about my trip to trivia, then one of our buddies from the discord got me a cameo from the touring keyboard player for Korn, which reminded me that the greaseman does cameos so we watched a couple of unsettling greaseman cameos, then Tom and Bunny bored us so we checked on what Michael Noland is mad at and it turns out it was oasis




At work I keep a document of how to fix issues with our equipment. Easier than trying to remember all 100 ways it can fail


The buzzer worked

Aidan Dean-Jones

Grease man seems to have a tenuous grasp on reality

rosalinda neri

The Michael Noland segment sent me into orbit. Also I'm taking what I saved up for Blur tickets and putting it towards Oasis tickets. Good to know that Gris is a man of taste 🤌

Steve D

I lost track - didn’t he start the cameo out wishing someone a happy birthday?

Jacob (In Dripping Letters)

Witnessing this shambling, deranged old man struggle to string together verses for a vaguely-dirty(?) Hokey Pokey parody just filled me with this profound sense of dread. It was like I hearing, like, a cut scene from Gummo or something.


the grease man section is unbelievably sonically unpleasant

Jacob (In Dripping Letters)

Oh my God, "my fetid fuselage was eeeerect" is going to haunt me for months. Edit: I should've waited to comment because it just got worse.


Don’t say “college was a time for exploration” to the guy whose kids are heading off to college Grease buddy. That’s a tip from a childless adult with a working brain


The buzzer worked omg hardest I've laughed in months

H. A. Morgan

Try written trivia at Old North Arcade!


Finally a segment so thoroughly disgusting I had to skip over most of it. Nice work, Greaseman!

Thomas Roud

I do not like this man of Grease even a little bit


Michael Noland is just upset at how good looking Liam Gallagher is. He's never seen a man that handsome in his life

Hal Rigley

More Greaseman


I’m 6 months pregnant and had to put in my headphones because I don’t want my baby to hear the Greaseman.