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  • Guys_9_13_2024 - audiogram.mp4
  • Guys_9_13_2024 - audiogram.mp4
  • Guys_9_13_2024 - audiogram.mp4



Hey, it’s Friday the 13th and here is a new episode of Guys+! We opened just chatting about booze then we talk about nudists and whether or not I would get a boner. Then we took a look at some magic guys. Then we took a short detour to Zeroh land and ended up looking at some chive guys!!

We only did Zeroh for like 3 minutes so just hit the forward button if you can’t stand him to get to some very funny chive stuff



Mickey Flykick

Mike Zeroh public enemy number one

Dan Gilbert

Keep calm and guys+ on


This photo is making me look like a sex guy at work


I’m a simple chiver, I saw that thumbnail & had to hit the like button


Guinness is delicious. Y’all are nuts.


No pop or hot beverages? Is Ghris a closet Mormon?

Dylan Dutch

I HAVE to know if Bryan is constantly hitting snooze for an hour and a half. If so, he is most definitely not using his skills for being considerate 😅

hot take time machine

Love how you have to warn everyone about Mike Zeroh now. How can somebody so charismaless be so annoying?


Why only three minutes of Mike Zeroh? He tells it how it is about Disney and marvel being so woke


It's truly astonishing how someone can grasp the theory that you can calculate penis size by timing a pee stream but still not get that it's practically impossible to actually do.


"Dad are you in the mafia?" Tony Soprano: "I'm not in a violence gang! I just hang out with a bunch of guys!"

gavin curran

Bryan I think you might have adhd. When I was medicated I’d set my alarm an hour before getting up take my pills and go back to sleep until they kicked in, now I just self medicate with caffeine



Ethan Gray

new shock jock name @20:32 Poppa Boner


Podcast The Ride did a whole episode on the David Copperfield magic show, with a full dive into the alien backstory.

David Brown

As an old street fight listener, I can confirm that Hedo Bryan has steadily been taking over since Guys started


Wow David Copperfield’s alien is smoking hot


Bryan stop hornyposting


"100% buttery, creamy goodness going down my throat"

Steve D

Moments like that underscore how Bryan possesses a unique and powerful brain.


petition to rename Friday "Guyday"


Bryan thinking other people are doing calculus in their heads to figure out his dick size. . . . Fucking insane.

sean e

I heard Olive Juice growing up

Andrew Wertz

1/5 star episode as I was listening someone around me had a heart attack and it really ruined it

Tom T

A semi-circle shaped trough with a 3m base and depth of 0.8m with a radius of 1m stands 2m off the ground. A man 180cm tall stands 0.5m from the trough to pee. It takes 5.0•10^-3 seconds for his piss to hit the bottom of the trough with an initial velocity of 4m/s. How long is his penis?


AhhWhoogaaa helloooo Brandy


If Chris needs Alan Dershowitz's cell phone number, it's 617-319-9892. He posted it on X (formerly Twitter).

Corndog Millionaire

I had this exact thought when I was in highschool but pretty quickly realized it was impossible to do. It absolutely floored me hearing Brian describe a thought I’d never told anyone before

Brent Tardiff

That greaseman cameo from last week was a terrible influence. Got him talking about his own fetid fuselage exploits.

Leroy Leroy Leroy

I love imagining teen Brian knock out gaming strangers and stealing car stereos and tvs with his friends like he’s in the foot clan from the 90s live action tmnt


Bryan flubbed by saying the cover of the episode would be David Copperfield's alien and instead it's a big titty chivette

Ontario Guy

Getting horny being naked infront of people would be an exhibitionist kink, not nudist. :)

Thomas Colantuono

Just finished Cristof the Insulters book, Between Two Fires, and it was a thoughtful and beautiful story of forgiveness. It was even better considering I found his books from his nasty nasty insults.


Tangentially related to Bryan's yellow shirt story: my friend once escalated a similar situation into a physical altercation with a random guy on the street by yelling down from a rooftop "nice performance fleece! Was old navy having a sale???" to which this very drunk guy replied "ITS NOT EVEN MINE I BORROWED IT FROM A FRIEND!". Eventually blows were exchanged to the extent that I got caught in the crossfire and ended up punching this poor man in the face multiple times. ☹️


zeroh has got to be the villain of guys at this point


Ooh man, you know I was thinking about attending the show until I found out you are selling tickets to single guys… hard pass




Could use an entire Mike zero episode. Finally someone speaking truth.


Damn, needed a warning for Zeroh


Boys the episode art making me look like a gooner


guinness slander


Bryan, I’d also pop a boner


The alien is Not the pod cover photo lol

Cube of Wooding Jr

Bryan it’s outdated technique to calculate penis length based on piss time of flight, nowadays we record the sound of it hitting the water and do a Fourier transform to figure out the urethral diameter

nu magik

dw bryan i also have dysphoria from my penis


I literally just called it and a Dersh-sounding man answered. I didn't do anything stupid I just hung up lol

Daniel Moore

The Copperfield fountain of youth story lines up with when he was friends with Jeffrey Epstein 🤔