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  • Shocktober_Rovers_Morni... - audiogram.mp4
  • Shocktober_Rovers_Morni... - audiogram.mp4



We had Tom Walker from https://www.twitch.tv/tomwalker and the insanely funny https://www.patreon.com/bigsofttitty/ to talk about Cleveland Ohio's own Rover's Morning Glory, maybe one of the more cruel shows but that is a part of the brand so I knew what I was getting in to. We watched a bit of his annual swimsuit calendar competition and even checked in with Jim Norton who is on the ever growing list of nasty comedians getting on Testosterone. Then they smell each others butts and suck on maxi pads. Pretty standard stuff



Sean Connors

Ooh that thumbnail has me excited


I can't believe someone did my Queeber and Gris request, I was almost gonna make one myself KUDOS

Joshua J Austin

2015 makes sense as a cutoff for old episodes; in 2014 you probably get into “he might have been a competitor, but it’s really unfair that Anthony Cumia was fired…”

Homicide Note Victim

Shock on the Tober is such a bleak song, always bums me out

Jeffrey Sierputowski

Living in Cleveland, I spend my working day trying to never hear Rover’s voice….


This podcast should get nominated for the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame if they'll let Mary J. Blige and other non-rock 'n' roll artists in...


Making coffee singing “Qu Qu Qu Queeber and the Gris” Could someone explain the “suck in boobs line” on a main episode with a guest that Bryan respects but doesn’t know?

Jack Fitzsimmons

When are they gonna get to Gris’s smoothie recipe??? 😩


big returns on Queeber Coin today!

Kevin Orellana

these sound drops are killing me keep it up bryan

Ian H. B.

Wow. The Q&tG song? Move over Elton John 😤

Carlos Marcos

How do we get a hold of those famed Gris smoothie recipes?

Oscar Salmon

Bird guys with Joe Pera, pretty popular comedian, and Chris tells the sucking story any Bryan gets embarrased

Eric Basil

When I was a kid I used to listen to Rover with my grandfather when we’d work out together and I never looked back at any of that as weird until now 😂

Tom T

Please Bryan I can barely feed my kids on this measly amount of flubs.

Conicu Steele

the return of Shock On THe Tober !!!!

Alex V.

I live in Cleveland. Rover's show is so fucking annoying. Bryan actually did a perfect job showcasing what it's like to listen to it.


Wait did Bubba send you a cease and desist or something?

John Ryan Elward

Almost spit out my protein shake when Bryan said, "Guys aren't going to be forced to smell people's butts for employment when fm radio bites the dust, and that's sad."

Cube of Wooding Jr

Frozen avocado frozen strawberries Frozen bananas Vanilla protein powder Greek yogurt Hemp hearts Spinach Peanut butter Chia seeds


“God rest his soul, Nads is dead”

Oscar Salmon

what is the Queeber and the Gris song a parody of? im dying to know bc i recognise it somehow

Oscar Salmon

also, I'm BEGGING for a Kyle and Jackie O show shocktober next year they're genuinely awful


I used to listen to Rover every morning in Rochester. I think we were one of his main affiliates for a while cause he would come here for shows and stuff. Then they dumped him for the War of the Roses guy (who has also been dumped). Now the classic rock station plays taped episodes of Rover at night. My dad listens to him every night lol

Grease Witherspoon

In all seriousness, thoughts and prayers for Tom and Bunny. Mostly Bunny, I think she's cool

Austin Stois

Indeed. My dad listened to this bullshit every morning on the 45 minute drive to my school

Drew Person

I used to run into Rover at NA meetings sometimes. That guy sucks.

Jake Chinatown

These are the lamest guys you’ve covered yet


Perth mentioned 😀 That shock jock mayor is named Basil Zempilas and I hate the guy

Ash The Gay Snake

Jim Norton saw Anthony Cumia have a heart attack and still thought taking testosterone is a good idea.


Bryan had a gf/fbw in high school who would let him suck her tits. She was sleeping with other guys, but Bryan was too embarrassed to go any further. He would just suck them off and jerk it back home to the memory of him just sucking some titties

Leo Milazzo

Loved to hear a Perth mention from Tom, as a Perth resident (shoutout West Aus)! Fuck Basil Zempilas 👏💪 you're right Tom, we really don't have shock jocks here apart from Kyle and Jackie O. One thing we do have (or had) was quality actual pranksters Hamish and Andy who pulled harmless hijinx and actually gave strangers money... Chris I recommend checking out their 'Put-Pocketing' stunts. Great ep again and come to Australia 😆

jack britton

I heard Bryan mention Nads on Guys this week and I thought "no ... It can't be..." And I checked the patreon ... Lol and behold. It's finally time for shocktober rover. I have begged Bryan for this for years. Bryan. I love you.