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  • 380157417.mp4



Hey everyone, this was a touch grosser than our usual streams and it is my fault but it happens at the end and I think it is fine. We looked at a Bubba the Love Sponge meet up, kinda hung around to see what the vibes were like at one of those. Then I tried to get a new single guy video and the guy got a little too edgy for the stream so we went to the most dangerous man on the earth, The Greaseman


Robert Armstrong

People pricematch like a motherfucker, Queeb. Sleep Outfitters in particular has a listed 120-day pricematch guarantee.


i think the tooth is for toothsome, how you describe al dente pasta. not a pastafarian 🙅‍♂️

Marty Trox (edited)

Comment edits

2024-11-19 01:20:01 My wife's absurdly large.............. margarita ;)
2024-11-18 15:18:09 My wife's absurdly large.............. margarita ;)

My wife's absurdly large.............. margarita ;)

Ged Sperber

https://www.sleepoutfitters.com/terms-and-conditions/ Sleep Outfitters are very clear on their price match policies. GET THAT BREAD BRIAN


Is there a video of this one I'm seeing two audio uploads

Bobby Mack

When opie gets mad he goes into this tone of delivery that sounds like he's doing a Rain Man impression

Ethan Gray

sorry, i laughed at grease's houdini joke

Homicide Note Victim

Bryan, can I have the two sound bars you’re not using?

Jon Wagner

is it fair to say that I think the Greaseman should legally be banned from a microphone


Greaseman 100% stole that condom joke from Rudy Ray Moore. I can't remember if it was in a Dolemite movie or something else I watched when I was high in the 90s, but he says Hercules instead of Houdini

Matthew Parten

Same comment here, get Chris off of these Sunday Night Streams. He’s too much of a neurotic weirdo western Canadian to keep the streams fun

Matthew Parten

It’s almost like a guy who’s lived in downtown Vancouver or the fucking Bahamas(?) his whole life, doesn’t have a good grasp on American culture and discourse. Get rid of this fucking loser and have DB or literally anybody else for the stream/video

brady maurer

we love gris. matthew is a fake fan

Erika Curtis`

"My wife's absurdly large... margarita" snorted so hard listening at the gym I startled the guy on the chest press machine next to me.

Trew Dhiel

Genuine question. If you don’t like Chris why don’t you just stop watching?


Nobody at the bubba party wants to be on film bc everyone there is wanted for Jan 6 related crimes

János Kapuvári

opie is fucking brutal here. also i believe ron has ok politics compared to opie and friends, in one of the old beer shows he was the only one going "i'll vote for biden what are you talking about" when opie was talking about RFK being the best candidate


“Because I like Bryan. What a dumb question.” No, what a dumb answer! THAT’S the fucking answer to your problem. You like Bryan so just get over it. That’s adult life! There’s one guy on my absolute favorite podcast who irritates me and I just let it go. Easy as that. I’d never drop a comment and insult him. Who fucking cares? You really need to reevaluate how you’re spending your time if it’s bothering you this much. I’m not saying that in a snide way, truly. I’ve had to drop podcasts because somebody annoyed me too much. It happens. But calling Chris a fucking loser is unnecessary.


I worked at a sex shop for five years and swingers were the top creeps, no exaggeration. They'd try to cruise random customers in the store, which we'd kick them out for immediately. What is extra gross about them doing this to like, chill couples whispering about body oils or a group of friends buying their first vibe, is that we had a separate viewing booth area connected to the store. Everyone knows that is the unspoken, time-honored place to cruise and hook up with strangers in an adult bookstore. The ones that *didn't* get kicked out really made themselves known b/c they were obnoxious know-it-alls that usually loudly talked about their exploits, and would ask me where the parties/clubs are at (like I'm anything more than a cashier at a shitty part-time job). And, for some reason, they *always* had lifestyle "business" cards. Sorry this post went long!!


4th quarter NUDE BEAST flub

Jerry Street

I can only imagine the harem of groupies that Grease hooked up with in the 80’s and the sounds they made together