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Another week another Guys+, we looked at some embarrassing orgy situations then some airbnb guys bickering about the price of pancakes. Then we looked at what the Venus for men is and a bit of Tom and Bunny extolling the virtues of Spunk Lube



He’s pancaking! Look at those red eyes


Hard to believe that sex clubs don't have lube dispensers everywhere like how places got hand sanitizer dispensers after covid. By the way, sex clubs should also have hand sanitizer dispensers

Kevin Orellana

holy shit ihop breakfast for dinner through uber eats is fucking relatable af

Ethan Gray

chris has really been imagining the scenario where he sees bryan's hog


Chris is a fixture at the nude beach. He lives in a bubble where he thinks it's normal to see colleagues naked all the time.

Matty C

Sooched? Souched? What’s the consensus here?


is there some trick to making video work??? all i see is the guys logo


The video wasn’t working for me either but I updated the Patreon app and now it’s working.


Getting pancaked means something else in my home


That IHOP shit blew my mind. That stuff is terrible in the restaurant here, I can’t imagine delivery


I was kinda getting down on the flub jokes but sooched brought me right back in


As a devout Christian, I would request that you either do not watch explicit adult pornography or that you at least label the episodes where you watch it. Thank you. This was a great episode. 3/5