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Thanks everyone for buying the merch, we sold the shirts a lot quicker than we thought. Probably my fault, I’m generally conservative about how many people listen to the show. The presale is sold out but we are gonna put some more up on the general on sale at 3:00 est so if you don’t get one you will have another shot. We are also gonna do another run and have another shirt and coin coming soon.



Get hosed non-patrons!

Jordan Stamm

Black shirts next time. Some of us still eat like children.

Trey Marks

I'm holding out for a challenge coin

Prosper Anderson

Petition to get a shirt with the greaseman doing hawk tuah

max longtin

Glad I got mine immediately 🙏🙏


Never underestimate the flubheads

Matthew Helm

I’m a lucky flub then


The shirt is dope. I also can see how it’s a more appealing piece as it doesn’t say the words “violence gang” on it. I went hoodie but I can see why people would go shirt instead.

Will Sundstrom

Lol shit I didn't realize this was gonna be like a sneaker drop, gotta have my bots ready for 3pm! 🤖

Alex Fred

Blowing my paycheck on the rarest challenge coin


Ugh I waffled on the hoodie for too long. Should've pulled the trigger!


I can’t wait to wear my hoodie to a Psychobilly concert and be the scariest person there ☺️

Ontario Guy

Wild, was about to grab a flubhead shirt. Flub Army is strong.


Thanks for the fat guy sizes really appreciate it!!!!

Matt Dodor

Can someone remind me what the fish calendar flub is on the longsleeve?


I think the hats are still available and that they sold out of those is a flub?

Johnny B

>I'm generally conservative


lol , can we at least see what the shirts looked like?

Chief Redsauce

Get Gris that visa and then please arrange some sort of upstate NY show! For those of us above NYC.


Coin? Never thought id be so excited to purchase a fucking challenge coin

Matt Paul

Grateful I was able to join the violence gang on the second drop. I was afraid I had flubbed by missing out.

Chris Robarge

LOL I missed both drops and that makes me sad but also very happy for y'all

Steve Nutt

Disappointing lack of Queeber based merch. Three stars.

Dude of H-town

No “Not a Single Guy” shirts? Requesting tank top, mesh, and pearl snap options.


Queeber/Gris and underestimating the number of people willing to buy a Violence Gang hoodie, name a more iconic duo.

Andy from P-town

I was hoping against hell that the flubhead shirt would last - oh well next time! WE NEED GUYS TANK TOPS

Dave McCaslin

Still not restocked 30 hours later wtf


I NEED a violence gang hoodie!!!