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Well, we are back for another fun Sunday night, we started by comparing our hockey experiences and then we checked in with an older video of Michael Noland outside of the studio in the worst unboxing of all time, then we looked at some rooms at secrets hideaway and I got fooled by a fake Jim Breuer video. After that Chris brought up the time that I had a temporary lapse in sense of humor and judgement and bought a shirt for an AI band and then we checked back in with a very weird Kelly K video



Maura Willey

bryan's AI song is sounding dare i say a little rockabilly


Bryan has said a thousand times he doesn’t like comedy music, and then he loves this AI band

Jacob (In Dripping Letters)

I'm totally on board with Bryan being an unexpected trivia savant. Y'all need to do a trivia ep to settle this.

Daniel Tews

I dress be real wor ze BBC c hitx t dc highly hot he jdzx at