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So, I am not sure when this show started due to the fact that there were several false starts

We kinda just bounced around some videos, A little bit of a lot of things

Count Jackula used the F- Slur and I can't figure out how to edit it out on the video because I am a dumbass so I apologize for leaving that in (It is around 39 minutes in and I cut it out of the audio one, sorry)



It’s been a thing forever Chris. People in the flocked to the Borden house. There was a school blown up by a nut in Michigan in the early 1920s and people were stealing pieces of debris and viscera


And skin deep and Babylon are both large mainstream films. Y’all are getting weird this week

Mike E

the maniscalco peacock bit is funny because the last time I was visiting family, my uncle told me they met sebastian at some restaurant by chance and told him a story that ended up getting turned into the peacock bit in the movie. so he didn't even come up with that himself, he stole it from my uncle