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Hello Friends

  This was originally going to be a Valentines image of Andy and Will, you know balloons and things, but it got out of hand and became something more.

 It does not have much of a story attached to it, but the dialogue I have written is fun and that will appear when it is posted to the blog.

 I give it to you and let your imaginations fill in the blanks.

As ever and always a Million thanks for your support





Robyn Stephens

As a motorcyclist myself for many years I feel the need to comment. That is what is called a 'stepthrough' bike. See that platform, made for the Audrey Hepburn types biking about Rome in heels and a dress on way to a Cafe or to met a Gregory Peck type, a perfect bike for that. Now we have Andy a bit out of place on that type of transport. Maybe expected a Harley.

Andy Latex

It is the perfect bike for Will to take Andy out on, he must have expected his love to be dressed as Ms Hepburn was in that movie. Yes Andy is out of place in those leathers, but the question is ....why? xxxxx

Skinnie S

Fabulous image. Love it. xxx Although I hardly think Will's dressed for an English day in mid-February. Below is a little starting snippet from 'Biker chic, Biker Chick' that I've sent to Andy: Jane always found it quite fun staying for a few days at her townhouse. It was easier getting to the shops, her hairdresser and naturally the clubs in the evening. It was also convenient if Andy wanted to drop by after work. It made things much more informal than when she was ensconced at Fullerton Hall. Fullerton Hall did tend to dominate the village. And a place in town made it much easier for friends to come round for a chat. Everything had a time and a place, as Jane well knew. At the sound of the whirring engine turning into the quiet cul-de-sac, she peeked out through the kitchen’s Venetian blind while her Gaggia hissed and spluttered. “Andrew,” she called, “he’s here. Are you ready?”

Andy Latex

I have read the full story my friend and it is another delight, you seem to be weaving your own world around Andy and Jane, which is all your won and I love it. Though as before it bears little relation to my simple idea, remembering that Aunt Jane is in control xxxx