April Art Poll! (Patreon)
Alright, for this month I plan on doing a similar-size vore piece for the other half of the folks that follow me for art! x3 As for what will be going on more specifically, I haven't decided yet! But its likely going to be featuring one of these characters as a predator in some scenario. Similar to the last one, I'm just asking for y'all to pick which character of mine would be featured! In the future I may be polling for themes or other similar things, but for now I'm starting simple.
Choose as many as you like! Once April rolls around, I'll close the poll and start work on something vorish with the winner!
Reference for the characters in this poll: https://www.patreon.com/posts/34964225
Power Overwhelming+ Poll: https://www.patreon.com/posts/34964713