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Hey folks!

I'm opening commissions again soon! Much like before, I'll be opening up the patron form a couple days earlier for the $10+ tiers to take advantage of. That way, if desired, you can try for the first come/first serve slots twice. If you fill out the patron form, you don't NEED to fill out the main form a second time, unless you wanted to go for the FCFS slots. The unselected slots will be added to the pool of public form submissions for me to pick from later.

My Terms of Service here has nifty information about commissions and such: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BDIUQ2YWiUqCWxeiMlAHYXPKVEaDlfdmfEMXoS-fWoU/edit?usp=sharing

So, there will be 2 patron commission slots, as always, and the form will open up on March 27th at 6PM EST.

-The link to the commission form will be open for 24 hours.

-The first form filled out will be a guaranteed commission slot, the remaining slot will be picked by me after the form closes.

-The 2 selected slots will be posted here on Patreon.

-I'll email those who got slots to discuss ideas and the like after the public form is closed.

There is a special condition this batch, in that if you received a commission from me in the past year (since January 2022), you're ineligible for this batch. Just to encourage some new folks getting commissions! If you have any questions, please let me know! I'm happy to help clarify anything to make sure you're prepared to the best of your ability.



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