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Continuing along with the story of MK Ultra and the CIA's desire to harness Mind Control, the LSD experiments reach new heights with the creation of Camp X, and the CIA's newfound infatuation with Magicians.



This series is amazing. Also, The Replacements on No Dogs! 1984, Minnesota must have been cool. Hüsker Dü released Zen Arcade, Prince released Purple Rain, Walter Mondale was the Democratic nominee for President, and The Replacements released Let It Be. (Also, I was born.)


70 days straight? I’m still trying to wrap my head around that. Holy mother of god…

Allie Kinghorn

This was particularly fun to listen to while violently high for some reason - Hail Satan


Anybody know what channel the new SiriusXM show will be on?


Great episode!! Any word on if Patrons will get access to the Sirius show?


Did Henry mention Jodorowsky? Because my niece is dating Adan, his son. 👀


All I could think about when Henry brought up a murder school is the game Danganronpa. "A body has been discovered!"