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Join the Last Podcast Discord for the March séance  at 7 EST/ 4PST on March 9th with the ONE the ONLY HENRY ZEBRWOSKI. Swap dirt stories, discuss pickles, just have fun with it okay?

Go to the "Monthly- Seance-Chat" chat room in the Last Podcast Discord today at 5pm PST. Or just follow this link: https://discord.gg/CkX97y67

Not on the Discord yet? Go to the "My Membership" page of our Patreon and find the button that connects you to Discord.




This is happening on my 40th birthday,I must be a part of it!!!!Also getting the invite expired message.


Someone hellllp. Is everyone having issues with the expired discord link?




No expert, but a crash course. You download the app Discord separately. On the “my membership” tab above you scroll down to where it says connect Discord. Now you’ll see all sorts of content from the community. Also, the link will no longer say expired.


I don't see a "my membership" option on mobile, but I think you're right because the email says this too. I'll keep looking on mobile site since that's my option.


Jacob is correct. You can link and join discord by going to the My Membership tab AFTER clicking on the creators (LPOTL) patreon page. If you're viewing this message just in the news stream (like I was) you won't see the my membership tab.


I’m connected to discord through the LPOTL Patreon browser page, but still unable to join the group. Wish I could post a screenshot here.


https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408372541581 Trying again


HAIL SATAN IT WORKED. “Have you tried unplugging it and plugging it back in?”


Hahahahaha update: my 12 yr old used my email to make their account so now I’m somehow connected through that. Fuuuck meeeee

Allie Kinghorn

My Discord says it was never verified and now I don’t have that option RIP