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Ben 'n' Henry break down this week's true crime news: an 83 year old New York woman, in possession of a human leg, accused of dumping body parts in garbage bags in Brooklyn, a demon-possessed killing stone mysteriously cracks in Japan, the man caught smuggling 52 Lizards over the border (in his underwear), more tales of restaurant horror, Hero of the Week, Listener Stories, and MORE!




Will they be posting the video version today?


When is the video version coming out? Need to decide if I should listen to it on my way home from work, or watch it at home with a beer...


We will be posting it the second it is finished! It takes longer than the audio version since there is more data to encode, download and then upload. LOTTA LOADS!!!


Awesome, i'll wait then:) Keep up the great work,HAIL YOURSELF!

Amy B

It's not often that my favorite Japanese history/mythology cartoonist's YouTube channel comes up for me to reference, but there's a good little vid on Tomamo no Mae here: https://youtu.be/ngNvakLYNto


Your loads must take a lot of work, but they're always worth the wait and I personally savor each one. Hail your loads!