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Ben 'n' Henry break down this week's true crime news: the Florida man caught pleasuring himself with a Pickle, a Las Vegas casino robber's bizarre Manifesto, the manhunt for a Magician wanted for causing havoc at Walmart checkouts, Tunisian woman finds "glass tumbler" stuck in her bladder for 4 years, Mothman News, a Torturous Tinder Date, Listener Stories, and MORE!




I literally just laughed so hard at my cubicle I lost touch with reality.


Pretty sure Kissel is confusing daffodils and dandelions based on his description 😂


We can’t forget about Abdul’s “Cold Hearted Snake” video. Classic🐍🐍🐍

Matthew J Lugo

Y'all thinking of dandelions not daffodils. The former is a weed the latter is a flower.


Daffodils are pretty yellow trumpet looking flowers. And is not a WEED


Were daffodils vs. weeds really the most upsetting thing about this episode?

Ursula Sindlinger

Where’s Henry? Coloring book. I’d buy it!


This is not the episode but when y'all were talking about mk "marin" where I used to live is pronounced "muh-rin" even though I appreciate Marcus being fancy with it. Love you all.


Henry, buy some damn indica edibles and sleep. I take em every night. Sleep is important.


The boys get so many pedantic nerds in their patreon replies, it's crazy. No one gives a shit about what flowers you guys know, or how places are pronounced. You've gotta know that, right? Right??