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Ben 'n' Henry are joined by true crime legend and author of Confession of a Serial Killer: The Untold Story of Dennis Rader, the BTK Killer, Katherine Ramsland for an in-depth discussion on BTK, what it's like to work so closely with a serial killer, and the many misconceptions on just how a serial killer is defined.




Another great interview. Thanks!


I never even considered the idea of serial killing being a behavior and not THE diagnosis. That really reframes the way I think about this type of crime. Really interesting interview!


Love that line at the end.. Seriaal killer is a behavior type not a crime or archetype.


This blew my mind and terrified me all at the same time. Thanks for the info and the nightmares. 😳


What a great interview! You all had a great vibe with her, even when Ben forgot the main point about the dark triad. 🤣 Hail yourselves.


It's so unfathomable to think that someone is in regular contact with the BTK. It gives me chills just thinking about it.

Brent King

I teach Forensic Psychology, and I can't believe how embedded the idea of the MacDonald triad is in our culture. All the students know it before they take any classes and I have to build in time every semester to unteach it and other myths that Hollywood has perpetuated.


Ben and Henry!! You guys did an especially great job with this interview - I hope Dr. R comes back sometime!


Thats so interesting, I had no idea it had been myth busted and I call myself a true crime fan