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Ben 'n' Henry bring you this week's true crime stories including Congress' first UFO hearing in over a century, a battle against dangerous chickens being waged in Hawaii, the Arby's manager caught urinating in the milkshake mix, Listener E-Mails, hero of the week Car Wash James, and much MORE!



Lots of XO's to the LPN fam... My goodness; get better soon Marcus and Jackie!


I'd watch "Colonel Sanders Jr. vs. The Hawaiian Chickens". Sadly, I cancelled Netflix already.


The real question is where does Poland Springs water come from, and does it taste better than Smart Water?


They really Mike Wazowski’d Henry….just put that mic right over his face


Its a “goodwill socialism” i suppose. The government wont back up their promises……and a friend of the family, maybe relative of someone murdered by that fella has to start a go fund me for poor old “carwash james”. I wont donate. Cuz i am a venture capitalist in heart. But i am for everyone making up for the loose lips of your elected officials. https://www.gofundme.com/f/justice-for-connie-ridgeway-effort

authorized user

At this point I can only assume that the microphone placement is INTENTIONAL and MALICIOUS. SCOOT THE CAMERA 1 FT TO THE RIGHT FOR THE LOVE OF HELL

Danny Lopez

Chicken Polpot Pie?


Please please please change how you upload videos. Your videos can't be casted, they can't be watched through the PS4 browser, only on the phone and who watches hour long videos their phone? The dollop recently switched to using YouTube to upload the Patreon videos which works great.


I can cast the video to Chromecast from a computer, but it would be nice to be able to do it from the phone