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Ben 'n' Henry are joined by ghostwriter Alex Cody Foster to discuss his wild ride becoming the penman for John McAfee and how life on the streets prepared him for living on the run with one of one of the most notoriously wanted men in the world.




Um, aren’t most people mentally I’ll to some degree? I didn’t get the BS vibe from you. What I did get was compassion and insight. And a risk taker! Thank you for sharing your story.


This man strikes me as very mentally ill.

Michael Blye

Well, that one was a doozy.


I wouldn't say he is mentally ill he's just obviously still very paranoid and I don't blame him after what he experienced


I was getting annoyed at how absolutely full of shit this guy was, but I realise now, even though I don't believe a word of him, he might well just be very disturbed for whatever reason. I'm certainly glad B&H are so generous and courteous in their interviews, and not a judgemental shithead like me! I feel bad now.


Not full of shit, not deranged (although that's probably what a deranged person would say); just recounting what I experienced. It's okay to be judgmental about it. Sometimes truth really is stranger than fiction.

Ursula Sindlinger

I appreciate your sincerity. It comes through in your voice. I’m glad you made it through all of your experiences.


Thank you for saying that. It's interesting the comments about me being mentally ill and 'very disturbed.' I was once, as mentioned in the interview, but I got past it and am never afraid to admit what happened to me. The book is for people who've gone through or are going through trauma (it's also a book for writers). I hope it can help them, even if it involves me being called things that I'm not.


Excellent interview!!


At the risk of sounding mean…I’m just not going to say anything


I hope the people who are so quick to call BS aren't the same ones who come to this podcast to affirm their alien/cryptid beliefs. There are weirder things out there, and his story didn't involve a single hair wrapped around his penis.


It's a bit confusing, that's for sure. Everything I said is 100% true. I have 30+ hours of recordings with John to back it up; footage and interviews from when I was hitchhiking and homeless (which can easily be seen on my Instagram page and on IMDB); as well as firsthand eyewitness accounts—all of which Netflix fact-checked before I was filmed for the movie as part of their due diligence. Obviously, I can't provide proof that the guy tried to kill me in LA, because I didn't stop to turn on the GoPro... I'm not sure why it's necessary to provide proof of something as horrible as that. Or why I would be called 'very mentally ill' over a traumatic experience that, yes, made me lose my mind for 2 1/2 years ten years ago, when I was a teenager. I'm telling people I was mentally ill, so these comments feel counterintuitive. The truth is, I'm just reporting on events that were crazy and changed my life. I don't need anybody to believe me, or to validate my experiences, because I didn't write the book for those people. I wrote it for me, and for who I call 'ghosts'—outcasts and misunderstood people, and all those who've gone through experiences they don't quite know how to put into words but mean a great deal to them nonetheless. Long story short, if any one of these people calling me 'mentally ill' over my LPOTL interview would sit down and have a coffee with me, I'm quite certain they wouldn't think I'm insane, but genuine. And I'm quite sure they might realize that whatever vitriol they've tossed my way, stems from something they don't understand about their own experience and their perception of reality within themselves. Anyway, my last comment here. Wish you all well, and thank you for listening. It was an honor to be on the show.


I loved this interview! Thanks Alex for sharing your stories and insight


Was always curious about the “l apologize for my three day absence but I was unconscious for two days at the Vidant Medical Center in North Carolina and just woke up. My enemies maged to spike something that i ingested. However, I am more difficult to kill than anyone can possibly imagine. I am back. 6/22/18, 8:45 AM” tweet, wish the boys brought that one up


I can answer that for you: John had told the press that he was "poisoned." On the inside, he accused his friend, Victor Wang (Wolf of Wall Street guy), who I met countless times and had not an ounce of malice in him. In reality, John was not poisoned—he overdosed. He was a drug addict. But that kind of news wouldn't have drummed up the public reaction he was looking for.


Interesting! Appreciate the reply and the interview as well!