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Ben 'n' Henry bring you this week's weirdest true crime stories: a series of "Gimp Sightings" leave a UK neighborhood on edge, Former NYPD-turned-Demonologist - Chris DeFlorio, Woman buried alive by her estranged husband calls 911 from her Apple Watch, an under appreciated Hero of the Week, Listener E-mails, and MORE!



Jaci Sue

Technically, Ben was Tenderheart Bear. Right?


Grumpy bear & Sleepy Bear are only ones I remember.


If you r sitting to pee, hell ya u flush first! A healthy spray will cause a strangers piss to splash on my taint, no thanks.


I've never been there, but my understanding is that Burma is one of those countries with strict laws against insulting ANY religions, not just the majority religion, specifically in fear of society ever developing serious religious conflicts or ethnicity-based separatist movements like other countries in the region historically.


Am I the only who had a hard time hearing Carebears and vaginal intercourse in the same sentence?


There’s a lot of “not crime”-crime happening out there in the world today. Look out!


That doesn’t seem to have worked out too well for them based on the genocide against Muslims the government did


My issue with a guy in a gimp suit, grunting and grabbing his crotch at me, is that he has made me a part of his fetish without my consent. I don’t think the police need to be involved though, because I don’t want them around when I throw a milkshake or carton of eggnog at the guy.