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Ben 'n' Henry bring you this week's weirdest stories and true crime news including former Michigan political candidate Jordan Haskins getting caught breaking into a car dealership to "crank" one out, the new Casey Anthony series on Peacock, the Ugandan woman drugging men with her nipples, a quite helpful hero of the week, some spooky listener emails, and MORE!



Christina G

still waiting for Kissel's country album...


Oh my god!!! Worlds are colliding!! Kissel sang one of my all-time favorite songs in the first 30 seconds!

Jackie Zapiain

Always love hearing from Cheesecake Zebrowski and Big Dill Kissel!


As someone from Eugene Oregon. Henry is 100% correct.


I don’t believe any of those razor-blades-in-Halloween-candy stories but just to play Devil’s advocate - if someone did do it as a political thing, it makes more sense that it was done by some right wing nut because it was in such a liberal town. You don’t shit where you eat, right?


Please do an episode on Susan Smith!! I’m from the area that the murders occurred (I was 9 at the time), and it was such a massive event when it happened. I can remember watching her plead for her boys’ safe return on the news, and I can vividly remember being in the car with my mom and listening to the radio when the story of her confession broke. Most people from SC born in the 80s or before know the events pretty well, even her trashy life story, but I would LOVE to hear the boys retell it and roast that bitch into oblivion.