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What's the perfect cure for that "post-Thanksgiving" hangover? It's a brand new "Best Of" episode, this time exploring the terrifying and sometimes titilating world of Alien Abductions.

Episodes Featured:

Episode 72: Alien Implants and Abductions

Episode 284: The Travis Walton Abduction - Fire In The Sky

Episode 156: The Coronado Group Abduction

Episode 170: Betty and Barney Hill Part II - Don't Think I Can't Take It

Episode 477: Elizabeth Klarer - Push The Red Button

LPOTL returns next week with a brand new episode!



Gulf Breeze didn't make the list of top abductions? Does it not count because they had to keep on dropping Ed because he was too hefty for their tracter beam?


well that was delightful! also, been listening to old episodes this week and thinking wait, did they boys predict GrubHub? NOPE's monster? other things??

Heather B

If Shrek was pink. HENRY. 😂