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Ben 'n' Henry bring you this week's weirdest stories and true crime news starting off with some updates, and then A Woman freezes to death in an Arby's freezer, Nun's body appears "uncorrupted" after flood exposes corpse, Prison Escapee's body found floating in the Ohio River, UFO News, Florida man believed he was being chased by a ghost (tried to break into a hotel room, jumped into a river, and banged on the doors of several houses), A Trash Haulin' Hero of the Week, Green books are poisonous, Listener Stories, and Much Much More!



Gabriela M Storm

Uploaded just in time for my drive home from work! LLL 🤘🏼


The immediate transition from grindcore to podcast in my kitchen was jarring but HOT DAMN IT'S TIME FAM


AYYYYY I submitted the Arby's story from my hometown area! really tapped into my most unrealistic (yet now realistic) fear working food service.


Can’t wIt to listen. When I was a little kid I wanted to be an astronaut of a trash”man” :D


I'm in Joshua Tree and I definitely saw those lights! Or, potentially the flares that they used right after - either way I 100% thought it was a UFO.


To make the Arby’s story even worse, the Corporate Office listed a Manager Role Job Opening within 12 hrs of them finding the body in the freezer.


Anyone else at $5 level unable to see their new Last Stream episode upload? It’s asking me to become a Patron & that it’s locked. Wtf?


I think you have to click the crowdcast link to access the previous live streams


I had the same situation, but it turns out it had just logged me out and I hadnt realized it, sinch it never does lol. Hopefully yr problem is jsut as easy to fix !


Holy crap they did MST3K with passion? I need to see this.



Heather B

Night of the Long Lashes absolutely sent me.