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Ben 'n' Henry bring you this week's weirdest stories and true crime news as Henry reacts to former National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency member turned Whistleblower David Charles Grusch spilling the beans on our government's possession of "exotic material" aka UFOs, Trouble in Cleveland as dozens of kids mysteriously go missing, the boys react to The Curious Case of Natalia Grace documentary on Discovery+, South Carolina Youth Pastor accused of filming girls in shower, famously old mummy "Stone Man Willy" finally laid to rest, another woman falls for a fake online hitman service in Tennessee, a pair of non-human Heroes of the Week, Arby's-Related Listener Emails, and MORE!




“I wouldn’t trust anybody in that room with my laundry!”-HZ on US Congress

Danny Rose

*pan flutes fade in*


It’s such a relatable feeling, too. I never knew how useful pan flutes can be until HZ.


Love these boizz