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The boys pick back up on the story of The Manhattan Project, this week focusing on Oppenheimer's "Atomic Dream Team", the development of the Los Alamos National Laboratory, and the United States' unrelenting efforts (and gruesome mishaps) in weaponizing nuclear technology.


Kieran Shook-Parker

Actually there is some truth to FDR screwing indigenous people, the Grand Coulee Dam for instance was protested by a collection of over 10,000 members of PNW indigenous nations.


I gotta tell ya boys... I just LOVE it soooooo much when you stop the show to argue about stupid shit. It's really funny and not aggravating. I'm gonna hold back and not write the essay that I want to right now. If you can work your shit out then that's all that matters. But if this continues I'm gonna publish a damn novel so yall can get the feedback you're apparently lacking. I will say this though: You're not just doing a job right now, you're putting on a show. Your EGOS take THIRD priority. Henry has been a god of this aspect his whole career. He knows the show comes first, he's a fuckin pro. Lately tho he's been cracking, taking shots at Ben and letting Marcus antagonize him. I don't fucking blame him, because Marcus is nothing but ego (gotta be be "right" and have the last word in every. single. fucking. moment.), and Ben completely gave up for two or three years, just now seeming to wake up and get defensive. Ben and Marcus interrupt the fucking show constantly now. And it isn't just the show and us fans suffering. They're gonna drive Henry to a fucking heart attack. I ended up saying some hurtful stuff. You'll just have to accept it. I'm a bit on edge rn but this is years of pent up frustration and I believe you need to hear it, for your sake's and the show's. I hope you appreciate negative feedback. I could copy/paste this comment and it would be appropriate for most of your recent episodes. In fact I've written and deleted variations of this comment many times, I just can't take it any more, this one is staying up. Either something changes or I'm going to have to stop listening to the podcast that I've probably spent at least 5 thousand hours listening to. Please 🙏 don't let that happen