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Marcus & Henry bring you this week's weirdest stories and true-crime news - diving into a brand new JFK Assassination revelation as a former secret service eyewitness's new book casts doubt on "the magic bullet theory", ALSO a 14-year-old Massachusetts boy dies from the "One Chip Challenge", a follow-up on last week's biohazard "airplane pooper", Marcus's Hero of the Week, and a special message from the LPN family.




We love you Ben, and you guys!❤️


Wishing Ben and his pups peace and rest during his time away ♥️ Love and support to you and your entire team.


You've got this Ben gonna miss you but can't wait for you to come back. Love all 3 of you.

Luke A

I’m so fuckin proud of Ben for getting himself the help he needs, and he couldn’t have better group of friends and fans. Hail Ben 🤘🏻


Proud of you guys. Love you guys and the fans you’re all wonderful people.

Happy Birthtime!

Sending a tonne of love and good vibes to Ben and you other fuckers too ♥️


Hail Ben! ❤️




We Love you Ben!!

Jim Herrera

My heart goes out to Ben I'm glad he's getting the help he needs


You guys helped me get through some tough times and picked me up when I was down- I'm glad that you're turning that kindness inward and that Ben is getting help. You all make the world a better place! Love you all and hail yourselves <3


Guys i had an idea: how about the ones that can afford to raise their pledges by 10% do so until Ben is back on his feet? I understand that treatment in the us can be very expensive. Who’s with me?


The love, grace, and honesty you all extend to each other whenever one of you is going through a rough patch is a master class in friendship! I’m sure it’s sometimes messy behind the scenes, because real life, but watching you show up for each other again and again is really wonderful. Hail all of you!


Im so happy for Ben. I know that sounds weird, but knowing the sheer happiness and peace sobriety has brought me over the last 2 years, I can only hope Ben gets the same experience. Feel free to send him my way if he ever wants to talk sobriety. All I can do is pass along the info and experience that was shown to me in early recovery. For Henry and Marcus, I hope this brings you guys closer together! Do NOT let him alone too long during early recovery. Even if he doesn't wanna, make him come out for a walk or lunch, or anything. Isolation is THE BIGGEST threat in early sobriety. Love ya guys.

Maddy Rizzo

WE LOVE YOU BEN. Come back as soon as you can, I’m so grateful for the amazing and positive effect you have had on my life. If there’s anywhere we can send him letters and pictures of dogs, please let us know!


Hail Ben and Hail everyone working hard at LPN! I believe in you all! The love and bond you have will get you through this! Take time for yourselves, you’ve already helped so many others! Much love


I don’t see what the big deal is, so what, Ben grew a beard. …wait, I just got here, what’s going on?


We love you Ben! Take the time you need to get yourself in a good place. Sending love to the entire LPN family. We're all with you!


Sending all our love to Ben and the LPN family from a LPN loving household ❤️ I’m a recovering alcoholic (10yrs now) and if it wasn’t for the support and love from my partner, friends and family I doubt I’d be here today. I’m a MH nurse and when things are getting too much for me, to help bring myself back down from wherever my head is at, from a long walk with my dog to a hot bath. I’ll always be listening to an LPN show with Top Hat often the first go to for me :) (even tho I’m from and live in the UK!) Ben and the rest of the LPN family have been there; making me smile, laugh and learn and am never alone. And helping me get through some serious shit, that is something special ❤️ As a MH nurse battling my own problems, I can tell (not that you need either to!) Ben has that exact same amazing love and support I got and it is exactly what you need in times like this and I’m glad he has recognised whatever it is and is getting the help he needs. With you all by his side plus all your thankful and loving fans there too, I’m sure he can get through this just like Ben and the LPN guys n gals have been for us ❤️ We will be missing him and can’t wait to have him back mentally and physically healthy :) I’ll wait as long as it takes as am sure all LPN lovers will 😊 xxx


Nothing but love Ben, hope you get the help you need.


This is what makes you guys so special. You’ve helped so many others get through their hard times ( me included!!) and I’m glad to see that Ben is taking the time he needs for himself. Stay strong Ben, and thanks for being an example for everyone out there that it’s ok to take care yourself and ask for help. That is a true example of bravery! Sending much love and support. 💕💕


Glad to have recently become a Patron of this well-done program (universe of programs, really). Wishing Ben all the best -- thank you for making this show and keeping it going. You're all the best!


You guys have been a friend to me when I felt completely alone. At my deepest depression you still could make me laugh. I hope Ben and all of you feel our love and support.

Colson Barnhart

Hail yourselves, beloved! Satan is proud of you.