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Henry & Marcus bring you this week's weirdest stories and true-crime news beginning with an update in the ongoing TikTok "Tunnel Girl" saga, new info emerges on "The Jellyfish" UFO, 3 Kansas City Chiefs fans mysteriously found frozen outside home of friend, Mississippi Mom facing murder charge after police find son’s body hidden behind a false wall, 'Anger Management' Therapist guns down man in street - stuffs body in car trunk, Listener E-Mails, and More!




This could be the vape talking, but it sounds like those CHIEF FANS(why tf is that mentioned in every article?)were dosed. They got hot, went outside, started tripping & never came back in. Their buddy spent the next few days cleaning house. Just my theory. Its fun to use your imagination 🌈


For the 3 guys who froze to death, I'm thinking it's opioids. I don't think it just alcohol or alcohol and weed.