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Cheers to the movie of the month for having one of my favorite actors.





Hell yes! I wish I could have watched this one high, but I've been not smoking for many months until I have to get a different job. (Currently doing a temporary gig as a car salesman for the past few months. It brings in plenty of bread, but eventually I'll need something different and may need to pass a piss test, so I'm playing it safe.) Otherwise, I'd be jack-o-lantern lit for this reaction. 🤣


So sorry to hear about your dog. I had to put my 15-year-old dog down a couple of months ago and it's so hard to make that decision. Haven't even made it a full minute into your reaction so far, hopefully this movie helped


So "Beerfest" did pretty well on the poll too... I've put "The Slammin' Salmon" up for vote a few times and it never does well. I'd just like to ask y'all that voted for Beerfest to check out The Slammin' Salmon. Because if you genuinely like Beerfest better, fair enough (I strongly disagree, but fair enough.) BUT my guess is that y'all haven't seen The Slammin' Salmon, because after Club Dread was terrible and Beerfest was underwhelming, The Slammin' Salmon got pretty much no publicity when it came out and it came and went without pretty much anybody hearing about it. But I genuinely think that not only is it significantly better than Beerfest, I think it's better than Super Troopers too. (Also, Michael Clarke Duncan is insanely good and funny in it. RIP.)


For the record: it's on youtube for free. Ads, but at least you have access to it, cheap (free) and easy.


I completely forgot that, in a movie with James Franco, it's Seth Rogen dating a high school girl. Ironic...

Topher (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-29 07:34:54 I'm generally not a fan of Seth Rogen. But I definitely enjoyed this one- I'm glad it won or I never would have seen it.
2024-03-21 18:44:44 I'm generally not a fan of Seth Rogen. But I definitely enjoyed this one- I'm glad it won or I never would have seen it.

I'm generally not a fan of Seth Rogen. But I definitely enjoyed this one- I'm glad it won or I never would have seen it.