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This movie was so funy!

I know, it took me a bit to reupload it. Good news is that I  have fixed the lagging audio issues with my movies and from now on they won't have issues anymore. 


The Princess Bride REACTION


Thomas Yanez

Great movie, great reaction and great job with the tech stuff! And that look when you got to Robin Wright in the credits. :)


Worth the wait! Well done for sorting out the audio issues. 🙂 Yeah, it is a classic, just like Alien. But at the same time nothing at all like it. 😂 So many hilarious bits, it's hard to pick a favourite. The one which always sticks out in my mind is - Inigo: "You seem like a decent fellow. I hate to kill you." Westley: "You seem like a decent fellow. I hate to die!" 😀


For recommendations, how about two films from 1986 - Ferris Bueller's Day Off and Aliens. 😀 Oh, how about The Birds (1963)? Great scary movie if you haven't seen it. By the way, do I assume that if I've previously recommended a film but it hasn't appeared on the poll that you've already seen it or don't think you'd like it? 🙂


Yes, often I have already watched some recommendations like Ferris Bueller which is a very fun movie btw


So hard to pick a favorite part. My dad introduced me to this movie, and we still quote it. "Have fun storming the ___" is a classic when anyone is going anywhere = P