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I don't see a good ending for Hope this season, and from this episode I don't think that's a bad thing. 

Also, Erik, my boy, what are you doing????


Sex Education REACTION | 3x06



Yes, I miss Ruby too. I'm beginning to despair that she and Otis aren't going to reconcile... and the way Otis has gone the last ep or two, maybe that's what's best for Ruby... long-term. Short-term, it sucks (for her, going through what feels to her like rejection, and for us, the viewer, being stuck with Otis' and Maeve's bullshit). Have to disagree with you about Hope. She was NEVER in the right. She was never motivated by wanting to help the students, or turn the school around. She merely wants to be praised; the students' lives could be exponentially worse at school and she wouldn't care as long as her reputation was strong. She always sucked.