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I just know after this movie someone tried to be a real super hero too


EDIT: Fixed intro




There are people who live as real life superheroes. You can find them on YouTube. https://youtu.be/7Cq5zoLZTe4 One thing I believe is represented in this film is the sense of community, and obligation to look out for each other. A lot of these rwl life superheroes embody just that.

Topher 😃

I'd love to know what you said at the beginning.

Topher 😃

No big, but you know I hang on your words. :) Watching the reaction now.

Mike Miner

Haha, it startled the shit out of me both times as I always have the volume up expecting to hear "hello..."

Topher 😃

Luckily I am very sensitive to light and sound so my drivers limit anything above a certain volume.

Nictus Hazeldine

There is a sequel! It's definitely not quite as good, but it's fun. This is mostly thanks to the presence of Jim Carrey just doing his thing.

Topher (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-21 00:07:35 After several interruptions I finally got to finish this. You taught me a new band and loved see (and hearing!) you rock out to the sound. Worth the price admission on it's one. And yes there is a rather good sequel to this movie with the existing cast and many more.
2023-08-20 20:24:40 After several interruptions I finally got to finish this. You taught me a new band and loved seeing (and hearing!) you rock out to the sound. Worth the price admission on it's own. And yes there is a rather good sequel to this movie with the existing cast and many more.

After several interruptions I finally got to finish this. You taught me a new band and loved seeing (and hearing!) you rock out to the sound. Worth the price admission on it's own. And yes there is a rather good sequel to this movie with the existing cast and many more.


This video is, dare I say it, very very Kick-Ass 😂

Topher 😃

'EDIT: Fixed intro' you say, that but if so you didn't change the link to it.

Pumpkin 3.14

When I try to click on the link, it says file was deleted.

David G

Fun fact: 11 year old Chloe Grace Moretz could actually do all those butterfly knife tricks. That wasn't CGI, editing or a stunt double she just did that.

Topher 😃

I'm glad we got through all this. That intro turned out to be more important than expected. Looks like I'll have to dig through your back-catalogue to get by. It's the right play though, don't kill yourself, always let real life win. Also almost all reactors have editors. You really need to start looking into that. (in the slow season of course)