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Come and get it while it's hot. The humor if this movie caught me by surprise, it was so good!




Topher (edited)

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2023-12-01 18:37:18 I would have guessed that this type of humor would be before your time . And I'm still sure you missed 90% of the references . But it's good to know that this is in your wheelhouse . That opens up some interesting choices. Good reaction.
2023-11-29 17:18:46 I would have guessed that this type of humor would be before your time . And I'm still sure you missed 90% of the references . But it's good to know that this is in your wheelhouse . That opens up some interesting choices. Good reaction.

I would have guessed that this type of humor would be before your time . And I'm still sure you missed 90% of the references . But it's good to know that this is in your wheelhouse . That opens up some interesting choices. Good reaction.

Topher (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-01 18:37:18 The Kentucky Fried Movie (1977) is the same creative team. Some of the material maybe problematic in today's universe. But if you liked Airplane! I think you'll like this. In fact I'll throw it in the movie selections this month and see if enough people know of it. And while Zero Hour (1955) is a terrible movie, if seen after Airplane! which parodies it, some of the lines being directly lifted intact, it can be unintentionally hilarious. It would be a horrible reaction video but you might wanna watch it on your own time.
2023-11-29 18:20:20 The Kentucky Fried Movie (1977) is the same creative team. Some of the material maybe problematic in today's universe. But if you liked Airplane! I think you'll like this. In fact I'll throw it in the movie selections this month and see if enough people know of it. And while Zero Hour (1955) is a terrible movie, if seen after Airplane! which parodies it, some of the lines being directly lifted intact, it can be unintentionally hilarious. It would be a horrible reaction video but you might wanna watch it on your own time.

The Kentucky Fried Movie (1977) is the same creative team. Some of the material maybe problematic in today's universe. But if you liked Airplane! I think you'll like this. In fact I'll throw it in the movie selections this month and see if enough people know of it. And while Zero Hour (1955) is a terrible movie, if seen after Airplane! which parodies it, some of the lines being directly lifted intact, it can be unintentionally hilarious. It would be a horrible reaction video but you might wanna watch it on your own time.


You'd probably need to watch Enter the Dragon before Kentucky Fried Movie, as much of it is a parody of the Bruce Lee film.

Topher 😃

Valid point, but like watching Airplane! without seeing Zero Hour first, KFM stands on its own quite well,

Thomas Yanez

Oops, missed the end-of-credits scene again! I think you'll like this one, based on an earlier reaction in the movie.