Dragon Egg Hatchery Battle Map [30x50] (Patreon)
Hi everyone!
I am super happy with the way this map came out! The thought behind this one is that some sort of a people, perhaps secluded from the rest of the society, have been tasked with hatching and raising dragons ages ago. It's been a long time since their task started, and as time went by, those outside may have lost the memory of these people, and they aren't doing so well anymore. Things are falling apart, there is disrepairs everywhere, but they still have eggs to hatch and they are doing their best.
There is a phased variation available for the Gold Tier and up!
The free version of this map is attached at the bottom of the post!
And here are the Patron perks:
Bronze Founders Tier Patrons have access to the following rewards, in addition to the free version of the map (higher VTT resolution, all grid and no grid versions) and 50% DWW Shop Discount that never expires: Base Map, No Boards, No Boards and No Eggs
Bronze Founders Tier Patrons can download their rewards here: dww-dr-hatch-bronze.zip
Silver Founders Tier Patrons gain access to all Bronze Tier Rewards PLUS the following variations: Hatchery Doing Better with Eggs, Everything Boarded up, Base without Eggs
Silver Founders Tier Patrons can download their rewards here: dww-dr-hatch-silver.zip
Gem Tier Patrons gain access to both Silver and Bronze Tier Patron rewards.
Gem Founders Tier Patrons can download their rewards here: dww-dr-hatch-gem.zip
Gem: dww-dr-hatch-gem.zip
Sign up for this tier here.
Gold Tier Patrons have access to everything from the previous tiers PLUS BULK DOWNLOAD ACCES PLUS commercial license to use my maps and art in your published adventures PLUS print resolution maps PLUS the following variations: Quake - Phased, Full Pools, but no Eggs, Pools Full with Some Eggs
Gold Founders Tier Patrons can download their rewards here: dww-dr-hatch-quake-phased.zip | dww-dr-hatch-static.zip
Gold: dww-dr-hatch-quake-phased.zip | dww-dr-hatch-static.zip
Sign up for this tier here.
Platinum VTT Tier Patrons gain everything from the previous tiers PLUS access to Foundry VTT Map Packs, PLUS webm format of my animated maps (compatible with Foundry VTT) PLUS access to my entire library of Foundry VTT map modules on the Moulinette Cloud.
Platinum Founders Tier Patrons can download their rewards for the Dragon Hatchery Battle Map here: dww-dr-hatch-quake-phased.zip | dww-dr-hatch-static.zip
Platinum: dww-dr-hatch-quake-phased.zip | dww-dr-hatch-static.zip
This tier also gets access to Scene Phaser Foundry VTT Module
Are phased battle maps clunky in Foundry VTT for you? Install Scene Phaser to make it easy. Platinum and Diamond Tier Patrons gain access to it here. Or you can learn more about it here.
As well as the Foundry VTT Ready Packs found here.
Sign up for this tier here.
Diamond Tier Patrons gain access to everything from previous tiers, as well as my giant big huge thanks for supporting me! They also get to give me an Easter egg to include in my maps once a month XD (please either send me a message here or on Discord Domille#7894 to let me know what you'd like me to hide in a future release).
Diamond Founders Tier Patrons can download their rewards here: dww-dr-hatch-quake-phased.zip | dww-dr-hatch-static.zip
Diamond: dww-dr-hatch-quake-phased.zip | dww-dr-hatch-static.zip
As well as the VTT Ready Packs found here.
Sign up for this tier here.
Adamantium Tier gains access to everything from prior tiers PLUS a printed poster map of their choice every other month!
Diamond Tier Patrons can download their rewards here:
dww-dr-hatch-quake-phased.zip | dww-dr-hatch-static.zip
If you are not my Patron yet, and you like my work, please consider supporting me by becoming one. I consistently release 3-4 phased map packs a month PLUS items, assets, animated maps, and even encounters. Sign up here.