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The sequel to Space Opera, Space Oddity, is all finished but the copyedit. FINALLY.

It took so long and so much of my soul, and a million upsetting things happened to make it take even longer and even more, but it's finally finished and I'm more or less happy with it (don't worry, I thought Space Opera was my worst work when I turned it in).

So now that it's in the can, I've had a bit of rest and my carpal tunnel is no longer screaming, I can finally get back to you wonderful people and life in general, which has been sorely backburnered.

Before moving on to the next book.

For now, you can pre-order it, which long-time readers will know is the single most helpful thing you can do for an author. Pre-orders have an outsize effect on how a publisher treats a title, since, you know, not that many people actually pre-order things. It's meant to come out in September now, and hopefully that holds. 

(PS the RAM tier this month is gonna be super fun--all the band names and song titles that got cut from the final!)

Thank you all so much for your patience while I struggled through this--it means the world to me, truly. I can't begin to express how much. I will slowly emerge into the land of the living again over the next couple of weeks, and I'm so very very grateful for the space this community has given me to live and work.



Jennifer Albert

Congratulations! I just pre-ordered SO damn fast!


So excited for the sequel! Do preorders on websites other than Amazon still help you? I do most of my online book shopping on bookshop.org.

Dave Hogg

Very happily preordered!! 💜

Annie Lechak

Pre-ordered! While listening to the Space Opera audiobook. Thrilled and excited for September!

Jim Lloyd

Congratulations! I can and did preorder it. Not sure how much will be left after everyone takes their cut (and at Amazon's pricing), but maybe there will be merch to follow! Still have and love my Space Opera t-shirt.


Pre-ordered! Exciting!

Karl Dandenell

Oh yeah, pre-order to the max!

Danyelle C.

I second this! I try not to buy from Amazon if I can help it. Especially books.

Danyelle C.

Pre-ordered via bookshop!

Lindsey Halsell

omg new space opera book!! It's an immediate pre-order from me :-)

Ella Kliger

I chose Space Opera for my Speculative Fiction Book Club this month. If you happen to be in Chattanooga on 2/25, I’ll buy you a taco while we all ramble on happily about your lovely romp through the English language. Heath’s recording is a delightful bonus!

Bonnie Smith

congrats! looking forward to this :-)

Jamie Wallace

I am so excited, and even more so because it releases on my birthday! :) Just pre-ordered and looking forward to it in a big way!