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A very cool gal with some interesting Powerup mixes! Cow Maid, Dom Bunny, and Sub Bimbo!
Vel was commissioned by MomoEroge, creators of Flipwitch, a very good ero metroidvania. Very recommended if you're into 2D platformers with neat gameplay and pixelart hentai!

Currently trying to play some other erogames I had on my backlog for years, such as the Succubus Series. Love that stuff, already finished Castle in the Clouds, also recommended for the same reasons as before.

As a side-note, I always think about making some new games, but I'm too impatient and broke to spend time re-learning programming, and I'm terrible at teamwork. Such a shame Flash and AS2 became obsolete! I was good at working with those.

( I ended up creating a section for old Games just for this post, haha )

Mega Folder: https://mega.nz/folder/7Rg3QL7C#eoVcdRpzMkwdDpRhY8XmKw




very sexy