Untitled Comic 01 (Work in Progress) (Patreon)
01-13-20 Update: Two more pages! In the end I named Bootleg peach as "Purys", which is Syrup backwards. This because Peaches in Syrup are a favorite dessert here in Chile, and just wanted something Peach-related but not so obvious.
I've been wanting to do something a little more complex for a while! I used to draw lots of comics many years ago, but they're too time consuming and hard work. Now that I feel leveled up enough, I'll try my hand at doing them once again!
I'm having way too much fun so far. Here's the sketches for the first 3 pages! I'm eager to see how far can I go with these, I'll keep you posted when I finish new pages sketches, or when I ink these ones.
By the way, that's Satansister Nº10 making a debut! Nicknamed Bootleg Peach (all thanks to the Nint**do DMCA troll), but she needs a name. Can you think something related to "Peach" that could fit her?